Inactivity can lead to multiple lifestyle diseases, so physical activity is a must to stay fit and healthy. According to WHO, people who are not as active have a 20% – 30% increased risk of death compared to active individuals.
Did you know that 1 in every 4 adults worldwide is not meeting the globally recommended levels of physical activity? But how to stay active when you have a busy lifestyle? Don’t worry, we’ve got your back. Here are three ways to stay fit and active despite a busy lifestyle.
Walk to work
Exercise on the go by cycling or speed walking to work. Go the extra mile by taking the stairs instead of the lift.
Focus on getting in some movement while you get to work, as that can set a active tone for the rest of your day. It can motivate you to eat healthier and will definitely put you in a positive mindset.
Move as soon as you wake up
It may get difficult to find time throughout the day when you have a long day ahead. So instead, try exercising immediately on waking up. Even if it is only for 15 mins. This can be a tough habit to create, but you will thank yourself in the long run.
Once you are up, do some lunges or squats on the ground. Or do straight leg raises in bed. Opt for push-ups in bed or against the wall.
An easy way to sneak in some exercise in your routine is to use a treadmill at home. Having a treadmill right beside your bedroom can push you to work out on waking up or just before going to sleep.
Workout while you read
If you are a book-lover, then working out during your hectic schedule is going to be easy-peasy. Here are 5 easy book-lover workouts for someone with a busy lifestyle.
- Wall sits
Squat or sit against a wall and read your book. Hold the pose until you finish 2 pages. Take a break and repeat again.
- Page planks
Read your book in the plank position. Hold the pose till you have finished a chapter or a few pages.
- Page-turner push-ups
Place your book on the floor. Read the book while doing push-ups. You could also do push-ups each time you turn the page.
- Literary lunges
Read your book while in the lunge position. Hold the pose till you finish 2 pages and switch legs.
- Elliptical Readings
Place your book on a desk in front of you. Start by getting a budget elliptical and work out while reading. Push yourself to increase the resistance after every chapter.
Move while you relax
Don’t just lie on the sofa and watch TV. Get moving while watching your favorite show. This can be any simple floor exercises or yoga. You can even use a seated elliptical machine to get a comfortable workout.
You could even do spot jogs while watching your go-to series. You can also go for a leisurely walk while listening to your audio books or podcasts.
Exercise at work
Instead of sitting at your workstation, opt for a standing desk. Move while you are on a call. I your work meeting or conference call isnt too involving, walk around the office.
When you wish to go to the loo, choose the one farthest from your desk. This way, you are counting on the extra steps to do your routine tasks.
Take fitness breaks
After every hour of work, take a fitness break of at least 5 minutes. In these 5 minutes, try to get some movement in. Go for a quick walk or sit up from your desk and do spot exercises. You can sit on your chair and do toe raises and leg raises. Opt for chair squats and arm circles.
Get a workout buddy
When you have company, you tend to be accountable. Choose a good workout buddy at work. Both of you can take active breaks during work and get some exercise in. Go for a run together or hit the office gym.
Move while you wait
It’s very easy to just stand there and wait for the microwave to ding or the train/bus to arrive. While you’re at it, try to move your body to get an extra workout in.
Do those calf raises and squats while you are waiting for your checkout at the grocery store. Even fidgeting counts towards the burning of excess calories.
Everyone is busy with a super hectic lifestyle. The key is to remain active at all times. Being active is the best gift you can give to your health. Get in some movement in short bursts to stay fit. You don’t need to do what everyone is doing. Focus on what works for you and work around your schedule to get the best out of your day.